Megan enters the workforce!

Masters student Megan Couture submitted her thesis and landed a job - in the middle of a pandemic! - in clinical data entry at the Jewish General Hospital. Congratulations!

[Editorial note: It is truly the end of an era. Megan was the first person to join the Weber lab, and it has been such a pleasure to watch her grow from a naive but enthusiastic undergraduate to a thoughtful scientist and confident person. Good luck out there in the “real” world! We’re so proud of all that you have accomplished.]


Big day for the Weber Lab, with the publication of our first research article in PNAS! Baljyot and Stefan’s Preview also came out today in Mol Cell. Exciting to see this PubMed alert in my inbox:

Our intrepid postdoc moves on to ABIF

Anne-Marie was the first person to join the Weber lab. She literally built the lab from the ground up (twice!), spearheaded the bacterial project and served as a strong role model for all of us (students and professor alike). Thank you and good luck in your new position!
