Huge thanks to Jackie Vogel for organizing the workshop and for Jie Xiao and Hue Sun Chan for participating!
Baljyot successfully defends his MSc thesis proposal; David and James earn NSERC fellowships!
Weber Lab celebrates with Beaver Tails. Congratulations, guys!
Registration now open for the MAPS research symposium!
Register here, it's free!
Weber Lab embraces the madness
Busted brackets and a poker game. Fun afternoon, but maybe we should stick to science?
Anne-Marie gives an exciting talk at the Molecular retreat
"Growth-rate dependent assembly of transcriptional foci in E. coli"
Persistence pays off!
After numerous setbacks, Albright gets his clone! What a beautiful, unambiguous gel:)
Anne-Marie receives a Grant from ASCB!
Congratulations to Anne-Marie, Hadjara (Vande Velde lab, UdeM) and James (Zerges lab, Concordia) on their Early Career Meeting Grant, which will fund a Montreal-wide meeting on phase separation in May. Stay tuned for details!
U1 student Matias Claus joins the lab
Welcome to the lab, Matias!
Megan presents her preliminary results at worm meeting
Congratulations to U3 student Megan Couture on a great first talk! And thanks to the local worm community for the thoughtful questions and useful feedback.
Graydon and James wrap up independent research projects
Fantastic work by two talented U2 students, characterizing the environmental and genetic control of (reversible) organelle assembly in E. coli and C. elegans, respectively!
Anne-Marie and Steph are back from ASCB
Great times in Philly with old friends and new. Special thanks to Susanne and all of the Building the Cell speakers!
Weber Lab enters the 21st century, joins Twitter!
Check us out @weber_lab
Weber Lab gets a chocolate fix
Celebrating a hectic but productive semester at Juliet et Chocolat!
Montreal-area phase separation meeting
Excited to kick off the MAPS seminar series next week! Looking forward to connecting with other labs in the area studying various aspects of phase separation. Contact me if you'd like to be added to the list!
The Weber Lab is FUNDED!!!!
Steph is awarded a Discovery Grant from NSERC to study Biophysical mechanisms driving spatial organization in bacterial cells. Cheers!
New semester, new student!
Excited to have our first grad student and first theorist. Welcome to the lab, Baljyot!
Lab picnic on the mountain
Summer's almost over...
Goodbye, David! Have fun in Manchester! Best of luck in the Tanner lab, Hannah!
Albright's injections are "rolling"!
Goodbye West wing, Hello North wing!
The Weber lab has moved! Check our new digs in Stewart N5/16.
Bon St-Jean et bon anniversaire à Graydon!
Graydon sweetens a dreary holiday with some light meringue and fresh berries. Merci!